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Last Minute Changes

We had planned an outdoor ceremony overlooking the sea but crazy strong winds made our couple from Boston rethink that plan. To keep guests comfortable, we made a last-minute change from outside to the still impressive interior of Newton Castle in Ballyvaughan, the Burren.

With wedding planning, there is always a ‘Plan B’ so I hopped on the phone and secured the new location to be sure that Lauren and Bobby had their small but loving and beautiful destination wedding to Ireland.

Well, they sure did have a great day without a blip! Have a lookie below at how it went as photographed by Daniel at DK Photo.  And they still got out to the seaside for the stunning photos!

Everyone stay at Aran View Guesthouse in Doolin and got ready there.

A friend of Lauren’s did her makeup and we had Miriam from Mimi’s hair salon come in and to hair.

The simple but elegant flowers were from Mulqueen’s florist  and I had picked them up on the way to meet our bride.

The guests waited patiently in front of the massive Inglenook fireplace adorned with flowers as our bride climbed the spiral staircase of the castle tower.

Keeping things natural and organic, guests tossed olive leaves over the couple as confetti!

Off then for dinner, drinks and specifically, pints of Guinness, and merriment at Vaughan’s Pub

Lauren emailed me and said the day was perfect. That she should have planned it around a castle ceremony in the first place!

So the moral of the story is, if you have to change things up a little on your wedding day or even before, don’t worry! It will work out! If you are happy, joyous and relaxed on the day, that is all you need.

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